Jurapark Aargau
Linn 51, 5225 Bözberg
T +41 62 877 15 04
Verband Aargauer Obstproduzenten
High-stem trees such as the apple and cherry tree, have characterised the Argovian Jura for centuries. On the second stage of La Route Verte, you bike through many orchards that traditionally surround the villages. Unlike low-stem trees, which have a shorter lifespan, trees with high stems shelter an entire ecosystem and therefore make a huge contribution the diversity of species. The Argovia Jurapark and its fruitgrowers support the preservation of these unique landscapes, for example by selling products made from these trees. Buy a "Süssmost" (apple juice) certified by the Argovia Jurapark – it is a great to recharge your batteries whilst supporting the local fruit trees.
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