Parc du Doubs
Place du 23-Juin 6, Case Postale 316
CH-2350 Saignelégier
T +41 32 420 46 70
Jura Tourisme
Rue de la Gruère 6
CH-2350 Saignelégier
T +41 32 432 41 60
Des chevaux et des hommes
Venez observer les chevaux qui paissent en semi-liberté dans les pâturages boisés du plateau jurassien. Vous pourrez ensuite vous familiariser avec eux en rendant visite à un éleveur.
Von Pferden und Menschen
Beobachten Sie die in Halbfreiheit lebenden Freiberger Pferde auf den Wytweiden der jurassischen Hochebene. Danach können Sie das Leben der Tiere beim Besuch eines Pferdezüchters kennenlernen.
Upon their arrival in the Franches-Montagnes, the first inhabitants cleared the dense uninhabited forests of this plateau located at an altitude of more than 1,000m in order to graze their cattle. They created areas that alternate between wooded and open spaces, typical of the Jura Arc: the wooded pastures. The “franches-montagnes” horse is inseparable from this ecosystem. Grazing in mixed herds of young and adult horses as well as cattle, this unique Swiss horse breed allows the maintenance of pastures by preventing the forest from closing in. Thierry Froidevaux and Brigitte Favre run the organic farm "Sous la Neuvevie" near Saignelégier, where they raise their own horses and cattle. They love to share their passion for the “franches-montagnes” breed with you during a visit of the farm.
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